Having A Hard Time Getting Off Social Media? Try This.

Derek John
2 min readJul 17, 2021
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It’s no secret that social media is mind-fucking our society.

Yes, there’s plenty of beautiful things about social media, but one could argue it’s primarily rotten.

I’m certainly not immune to its mind-fuckery. I’ve had my fair share of social media-related mental health issues. And because of it, I look for ways to reduce my consumption, but they never stick.

Eventually, I whip out my phone, check my email, then Instagram, then Facebook, then Twitter, then Medium. And all in that order. Like an addict, but instead of stealing money from my dad for coke, I’m scrolling for that next hit of dopamine. Four likes! – sighs.

In the last few weeks, I’ve had a serious breakthrough. I’ve discovered the key. Finally, I can put the lid back on this proverbial jar of social peanut butter.

Get busy.

A funny thing happens when you’re managing projects, meeting deadlines, adhering to a daily writing schedule, maintaining a daily workout regimen, raising poodles, and building healthy relationships. You don’t have time to scroll through social media mindlessly.

These days, I’m too tired to open up Instagram and invite hundreds of opinions, ads, or bullshit to my racy internal dialogue. Instead, I’ve found myself playing with my dogs, reading, or having good old-fashioned conversations with human beings.

It’s fantastic. I pop on, say my piece, say hello, then shut it down and move on with my life.

Time on Instagram before: hours. Time on Instagram now: 30 minutes – and most of that is work-related.



Six-figure technical writer by day, fiction and lifestyle writer by night | 2x Medium Top Writer | Dive into my stories of fiction, food, cocktails and cigars.